A visual representation of my mind and thinking,

especially with ADHD.

A visual representation of my mind and

thinking, especially with ADHD.

A visual representation of my mind and thinking,

especially with ADHD.

Sustained Investigation 1.1

3.5" x 9"

Block Printing, Paper

Idea: I wanted to show how disorgan-

ized and jumbled my mind can be. The

strips are weaved together in tangles,

making them hard to follow, as if each

strip were a train of thought. It also

serves to look as if the strips are falling,

leaving sizeable gaps to represent the

occasional blanks in my mind.

Process: Inspired by Cecil Touchon,

I began by laser cutting printing block

that read "thought". I used the second

technique from SI 1.1, then the paper

was cut up into equal strips and woven

together at random angles so the com-

position as a whole feels scattered and


Sustained Investigation 1.1

3.5" x 9"

Block Printing, Paper

Idea: I wanted to show how disorgan-

ized and jumbled my mind can be. The

strips are weaved together in tangles,

making them hard to follow, as if each

strip were a train of thought. It also

serves to look as if the strips are falling,

leaving sizeable gaps to represent the

occasional blanks in my mind.

Process: Inspired by Cecil Touchon,

I began by laser cutting printing block

that read "thought". I used the second

technique from SI 1.1, then the paper

was cut up into equal strips and woven

together at random angles so the com-

position as a whole feels scattered and


Sustained Investigation 1.1

3.5" x 9"

Block Printing, Paper

Idea: I wanted to show how dis-

organized and jumbled my mind

can be. The strips are weaved

together in tangles, making them

hard to follow, as if each strip were

a train of thought. It also serves to

look as if the strips are falling, leav-

ing sizeable gaps to represent the

occasional blanks in my mind.

Process: Inspired by Cecil Tou-

chon, I began by laser cutting

printing block that read "thought".

I used the second technique from

SI 1.1, then the paper was cut up

into equal strips and woven to-

gether at random angles so the

composition as a whole feels

scattered and disorganized.

Sustained Investigation 3.1

~10" x 8"

Paper, Screen Printing Ink

Idea: To elevate SI 3.0 by con-

tinuing the strips and using un-

even borders to create a

kaleidoscopic visual and show

an explosion of ideas.

Process: I used the technique

from SI 3.0 to create two pin-

wheels. One big with a base of

magenta, and one small with a

base of cyan. I then cut it into

triangular strips and arranged

them, alternating from cyan to


Sustained Investigation 3.1

~10" x 8"

Paper, Screen Printing Ink

Idea: To elevate SI 3.0 by continuing

the strips and using uneven borders

to create a kaleidoscopic visual and

show an explosion of ideas.

Process: I used the technique from

SI 3.0 to create two pinwheels. One

big with a base of magenta, and one

small with a base of cyan. I then cut

it into triangular strips and arranged

them, alternating from cyan to ma-


Sustained Investigation 3.1

~10" x 8"

Paper, Screen Printing Ink

Idea: To elevate SI 3.0 by continu-

ing the strips and using uneven bor-

ders to create a kaleidoscopic vi-

sual and show an explosion of ideas.

Process: I used the technique from

SI 3.0 to create two pinwheels. One

big with a base of magenta, and one

small with a base of cyan. I then cut

it into triangular strips and arranged

them, alternating from cyan to ma-


Sustained Investigation 2.2

10" x 5"

Adobe Illustrator

Idea: Compared to SI 1.0-1.1, SI 2.0-2.1

were significantly simpler, so I wanted

this piece to swing back towards the

almost whimsical look of SI 1.0-1.1.

Process: To get closer to the look of

SI 1.0-1.1, I used playful shapes like stars

and pinwheels to further push the con-

trast with the stark black.

Sustained Investigation 2.2

10" x 5"

Adobe Illustrator

Idea: Compared to SI 1.0-1.1, SI 2.0-2.1 were significantly simpler, so I wanted

this piece to swing back towards the almost whimsical look of SI 1.0-1.1.

Process: To get closer to the look of SI 1.0-1.1, I used playful shapes like stars

and pinwheels to further push the contrast with the stark black.

Sustained Investigation 2.2

10" x 5"

Adobe Illustrator

Idea: Compared to SI 1.0-1.1, SI 2.0-2.1 were significantly simpler, so

I wanted this piece to swing back towards the almost whimsical

look of SI 1.0-1.1.

Process: To get closer to the look of SI 1.0-1.1, I used playful shapes

like stars and pinwheels to further push the contrast with the stark


Sustained Investigation 3.0

8.5" x 11"

Paper, Screen Printing Ink

Idea: Unhappy with my por-

trayal of the explosion, I wan-

ted to move back to the phy-

sical mediums, but was in-

spired by the pinwheel shape.

Process: I used a laser cutter

to create a stencil with which

I first layered magenta, pre-

serving the texture of the

brush stroke, which was then

followed with a similar tech-

nique as before, filling the gaps

with yellow and cyan.

Sustained Investigation 3.0

8.5" x 11"

Paper, Screen Printing Ink

Idea: Unhappy with my por-

trayal of the explosion, I wan-

ted to move back to the phy-

sical mediums, but was in-

spired by the pinwheel shape.

Process: I used a laser cutter

to create a stencil with which

I first layered magenta, pre-

serving the texture of the

brush stroke, which was then

followed with a similar tech-

nique as before, filling the gaps

with yellow and cyan.

Sustained Investigation 3.0

8.5" x 11"

Paper, Screen Printing Ink

Idea: Unhappy with my portrayal of the

explosion, I wanted to move back to

the physical mediums, but was inspired

by the pinwheel shape.

Process: I used a laser cutter to create

a stencil with which I first layered ma-

genta, preserving the texture of the

brush stroke, which was then followed

with a similar technique as before, fil-

ling the gaps with yellow and cyan.

Sustained Investigation 1.0

11" x 8.5"

Paper, Block Printing

Idea: My sustained investigation began by

exploring what I could do by combining block

printing and the classic CMYK colors.

Process: The new techniques I experi-

mented with was, one: stamping the word

"thought" and feathering colors out. Two:

stamp the negative space of the word and

use the natural dark spots as a template to

brush on color. Cyan on the darkest spots,

magenta on the mediums, yellow on the

lightest spots.

Sustained Investigation 1.0

11" x 8.5"

Paper, Block Printing

Idea: My sustained investigation began by exploring what I could

do by combining block printing and the classic CMYK colors.

Process: The new techniques I experimented with was, one:

stamping the word "thought" and feathering colors out. Two:

stamp the negative space of the word and use the natural dark

spots as a template to brush on color. Cyan on the darkest spots,

magenta on the mediums, yellow on the lightest spots.

Sustained Investigation 1.0

11" x 8.5"

Paper, Block Printing

Idea: My sustained investigation began by

exploring what I could do by combining block

printing and the classic CMYK colors.

Process: The new techniques I experi-

mented with was, one: stamping the word

"thought" and feathering colors out. Two:

stamp the negative space of the word and

use the natural dark spots as a template to

brush on color. Cyan on the darkest spots,

magenta on the mediums, yellow on the

lightest spots.

Sustained Investigation 2.1

11" x 17"

Adobe Illustrator

Idea: After receiving critiques on SI 2.0, I realized the composition of the piece had room for

improvement. The first piece read as two clashing worlds rather than fighting between two

sides as I had intended.

Process: I added movement by moving the focal point from the middle, and tweaked the

elements to make better use of the space.

Sustained Investigation 2.1

11" x 17"

Adobe Illustrator

Idea: After receiving critiques on SI 2.0,

I realized the composition of the piece

had room for improvement. The first

piece read as two clashing worlds rath-

er than fighting between two sides as I

had intended.

Process: I added movement by moving

the focal point from the middle, and

tweaked the elements to make better

use of the space.

Sustained Investigation 2.1

11" x 17"

Adobe Illustrator

Idea: After receiving critiques

on SI 2.0, I realized the com-

position of the piece had

room for improvement. The

first piece read as two clashing

worlds rather than fighting be-

tween two sides as I had in-


Process: I added movement

by moving the focal point from

the middle, and tweaked the

elements to make better use

of the space.

Sustained Investigation 2.0

11" x 17"

Adobe Illustrator

Idea: Up to this point, my Sustained In-

vestigation was to show the disorgan-

ized side of my mind, this piece rep-

resents the vivid explosion of ideas in

my mind. I also turned away from the

heavily textured block printing to a

completely smooth digital medium.

Process: I wanted to represent two

sides fighting, and the burst of colors

that shatter as ideas fight and ex-

plode into each other. The colors were

done on a multiply layer to keep some

level of consistency between the digi-

tal and physical mediums.

Sustained Investigation 2.0

11" x 17"

Adobe Illustrator

Idea: Up to this point, my Sustained Investigation was to show the disorganized side of my

mind, this piece represents the vivid explosion of ideas in my mind. I also turned away from

the heavily textured block printing to a completely smooth digital medium.

Process: I wanted to represent two sides fighting, and the burst of colors that shatter as i-

deas fight and explode into each other. The colors were done on a multiply layer to keep

some level of consistency between the digital and physical mediums.

Sustained Investigation 2.0

11" x 17"

Adobe Illustrator

Idea: Up to this point, my Sus-

tained Investigation was to

show the disorganized side of

my mind, this piece represents

the vivid explosion of ideas in

my mind. I also turned away from

the heavily textured block print-

ing to a completely smooth digi-

tal medium.

Process: I wanted to represent

two sides fighting, and the burst

of colors that shatter as ideas

fight and explode into each other.

The colors were done on a multiply layer to keep some level of

consistency between the digital and physical mediums.

Sustained Investigation 2.1

11" x 17"

Adobe Illustrator

Idea: After receiving critiques on SI 2.0,

I realized the composition of the piece

had room for improvement. The first

piece read as two clashing worlds rath-

er than fighting between two sides as I

had intended.

Process: I added movement by moving

the focal point from the middle, and

tweaked the elements to make better

use of the space.

Sustained Investigation 2.1

11" x 17"

Adobe Illustrator

Idea: After receiving critiques on

SI 2.0, I realized the composition of

the piece had room for improvement.

The first piece read as two clashing

worlds rather than fighting between

two sides as I had intended.

Process: I added movement by mo-

ving the focal point from the middle,

and tweaked the elements to make

better use of the space.